Hi, I’m Nyssa!

Toddler Mom. Bookworm. Proud Hufflepuff. Friday Night Lights Enthusiast. Dog Lover. [Self-Proclaimed] Professional Pizza Eater. Lover Of Organizing, Arts-and-Crafts, And All Things Rainbow.

While I’ve always enjoyed learning new ways to write the alphabet, I started practicing modern calligraphy and handlettering after getting engaged in 2017, knowing I would want to do all my wedding signage. After sharing my progress online, people started asking me to letter things for them and I realized I could take my passion and turn it into a business.

Outside of my handlettering, I have my Master’s in Applied Behavior Analysis with an Emphasis in Autism and am a Board Certified Behavior Analyst, working primarily with elementary school kids with autism.

Whether it’s a wedding, other celebratory event, or a personalized gift, I love working with my clients to bring their vision to life through words!